Art & Aesthetics, Current Events, Featured, Holy Wild, Science & Civilization

From Roomba to Reason: A 100 Day Journey with Generative AI

I don't know if you've noticed, but people are absolutely freaking out about AI right now. The sudden leaps forward in generative Artificial Intelligence have brought us to the brink of hysteria. And it's all, well... a bit silly.

art, Art & Aesthetics, Holy Wild, News & Announcements

Love Like A Rock: Creating My “Sea & Stone” Watercolor Painting Series

I’ve always wondered what it means to love “like a rock.” Does it mean that the love itself is rock-like: round? heavy? flecked with mica? Or that you love someone the way you love a rock? Or perhaps it means to love the way a rock would love…

Celebrate small with 15% off select fine art prints
Art & Aesthetics, News & Announcements

Celebrate Small! Original art anyone can afford…

Six of my paintings were chosen to be featured in this year's Small Works Art Show at Gallery North. To celebrate, I'm hosting a sale for 15% off select fine art prints in my Etsy shop all month long!

Featured, Holy Wild, praxis, story

Soul Writing: Finding Balance in Group Spiritual Practice

Writing in a group setting is different, much more like praying together. Or sitting together in meditation. Being present to each other in-process, witness to the very act of discovery and composition, soul-deep in the chaotic waters of creativity. This is writing as a spiritual practice — a kind of sacred deep listening, what Karen Hering calls in her book Writing to Wake the Soul, "contemplative correspondence."

Contemplation & Meditation, Featured, Holy Wild, Poetry & Music

New Moon, Forever Maiden: Wild Worship in the Digital Age

We live in a time of amazing opportunities and heart-wrenching tragedies, a time when many of us live daily with the humming tension between wild enthusiasm and deep cynicism. Women in particular face challenging contradictions in this brave new age. In a society that celebrates equality, we see before us endless opportunities to pursue our dreams. And yet in many ways, the glass ceiling seems thicker than ever, and the balancing act of gender equality forever remains a perilous one.

Contemplation & Meditation, Holy Wild

The Choice Between Freedom and Love

How much do I allow my life to be governed by my decisions about how the world and how people "ought to be," and how I "ought to behave"? How open am I to making real choices, on a daily basis, facing up to the potential within every single moment to integrate love and free will, and to respond to the diversity and interconnection of an ever-shifting and always surprising reality? This is what I thought about as I walked in the woods this morning.